Self-service marketing database

Customisable marketing list easily and quickly. Manually select the appropriate list of companies online from amongst the companies (operating with a tax number) registered in the selected country based on a number of criteria.

Only retrieving companies that have the following information

Select data content*

Select the data you need; the price of the list is determined on this. The prepared list going to be in English, regardless of the language of the order. If you need other information, contact our sales staff.

Data content

Highlighted cells

Basic financial data: turnover, profit before tax, profit after tax, total assets, shareholders' equity, operating profit

Key balance sheet items: basic financial data + fixed assets, current assets, funds, accruals, provisions, liabilities, current liabilities, long-term liabilities and accrued expenses and deferrd income

Full report: full financial statement

* Some data may not be available for all companies, it can be different even by companies or countries.


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